Web Design

I'm somewhat proficient in HTML coding, somewhat more proficient in CSS styling, and quite familiar with the interface of coding interfaces like Visual Studio Code and Adobe Dreamweaver. I'll be the first to admit web design is an area where I could use more experience- But I'm a quick learner and always willing to rise to the occasion to meet the needs of the project.

Cam-Op's Ghost Services

A simple website with a wild premise: What if there was a world where ghosts were a common issue, causing trouble and only able to be seen with special equipment? What if there was a robot who could quickly produce pictures of ghosts and help prescribe a means of resolving the haunting? And what would that robot's website look like?

Cave Tale

A trip back in time- It's a couple years after 2010, I'm not quite sure how many- I'm young, and throughout the web there are vestiges of a simpler internet. One such site is a web comic host, offering a free way for anyone to make and host comics of their own creation.
Sprite comics abound, comics that use lightly modified game graphics to tell stories- Some simple fan stories using the official characters, others fully original works, others somewhere in between.
And among them, this comic, my own homage to a freeware game called Cave Story that had captured my heart.
This site is one I made for a class, and it's a simple re-uploading of my comic, Cave Tale. The web comic host it was on went down some time ago, and I wanted a new place to put the old pages. Truth be told, this site isn't anything special, I think. It's pretty alright, but nothing complex. Mostly I'm including it here because I wanted to make the comic accessible again, even if it's not very long, and incredibly incomplete. Maybe I'll come back to it, some day, between projects.